model 54 match with Lyman scope $1250.00
This was made in
1973 and has a 26” barrel with a perfect bore. The stock has a rail for a hand
stop or sling swivel and the bottom of the stock is also nicely stippled. The
trigger and a single adjustable one and the extractor is a double claw. The
butt is adjustable by sliding the back piece up or down in the dovetail. The
Lyman super target spot has clear optics and is a 20 power. The scope is
mounted in what I believe to be factory tapings. The rear sight is the standard
Anschutz one that is fully adjustable; the front is a Redfield Olympic one that
is made with removable inserts. This comes with the manual and the factory test
target that has one ragged hole where the bulls eye once was. Visa MasterCard
and Discover accepted at no additional charge. For more information, or to
order this item please email 6162